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Dry Plants


​JOLIE LOVE is a registered brand in Hong Kong. 

​Products are created and managed under the directorship of a seasoned R&D formulator. 

JOLIE is a French meaning PRETTY.  PRETTY is not limited to the appearance but the "soul". 

Taking care of our "soul" is necessary for well-being and spiritual health, which is the aim of JOLIE LOVE.




Everybody needs "a moment" in the stressful life. 

These years, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought changes in lifestyles, mental health,

and deteriorated environmental pollution.  We need a healing moment for a breath.  


'I love  science.  After graduation with BSc in Biochemistry in a local university, I have been working in

several R&D laboratories.  Thanks to my mentors, I experienced a lot of trials and errors during formulating works which cannot be obtained from study.  I have chances to formulate products for the multinational brands, as well as learning product safety and regulations worldwide.  Thereafter, I realized I also have to care myself so I started to select safe and effective products.  Well, it is not an easy task since most market products are cost-oriented.  Therefore, I created JOLIE LOVE.


At JOLIE LOVE, I wish to utilize my experiences to create and look for something which are safe and valuable to life.' 



Face Cream


JOLIE 是法文 "漂亮" 的意思。

"漂亮" 不只外在,亦包括生活及身心靈健康。照料好生活,身心靈得到療癒,是漂亮的根本。​


香港生活壓力大,近年 COVID-19 帶來的生活轉變及困擾,以及對環境損害,令我們更需要療癒自己的時刻來平衡身心靈。


「從小愛科學,於本地修畢生物化學學位後,特意選擇研發實驗室工作,有幸到各地跟經驗配方師學習,深深體會及經歷很多書本學不到的東西,更能為無數國際品牌研發護膚及香薰產品,於研發室經歷了種種試驗及錯配,見證了各地隨時間愈漸嚴格的產品安全及法規要求,漸漸令我更執著用於自己身上及生活上的產品要求,於是創造了JOLIE LOVE。


在 JOLIE LOVE, 我期望運用自己的經驗,製造及尋找能照料好生活及身心靈的產品。」

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